Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park

“Named the primate capital of the world harboring over 1500 chimpanzees and other rare primates is Kibale National Park also commonly referred to as Kibale Forest National Park”.

It is a tropical rainforest located in southwestern Uganda with an alluring scenery and biodiversity that’s the primate’s paradise.

With over 296 sq miles, the Kibale National Park is famous for the Kanyanchu primate walk that reveals the human closest relative the chimpanzee.

Encounter over 100 mammals such as Baboons, sitatunga, giant forest hogs, antelopes and elephants on your Chimpanzee tracking activity, over 300 avian species such as the masked apalis, Cassin’s spinetail, green – breasted pitta, the great blue turaco and yellow weaverbirds making nests to attract females.

Visit the nearby Bigodi Swamp after your trek a conservation Sanctuary that is a birders heaven and also a home to the rare red colobus monkey.

Kibale Tours



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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

