Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

“Bwindi”, a Runyakitara word that means a “place of darkness”, hence the name “Bwindi Impenetrable Forest” that literally means “a forest difficult to penetrate”.

Welcome to the Africa’s Mountain Gorilla Haven; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi impenetrable forest is a tropical rain forest perched on the rim of the Albertine rift valley in south western Uganda, with elevations ranging from 1,160 to 2,607 meters and spans across four distinctive districts namely, Kanungu, Kabale, Kisoro, and Rukungiri.  It is a number one sport for adventure that allows enthusiasts to enjoy diverse biodiversity including about 500 endangered mountain gorillas which are approximately half of the whole world mountain Gorilla population, 346 bird species, 200 butterfly species, and 400 vibrant plant species that also give this beautiful forest a name, “Bwindi Impenetrable Forest”.

The second – largest and most powerful living primate, with whom we share 98% of the human DNA; unique, strong yet so gentle is the Mountain Gorilla.

Welcome to a once -in-a lifetime magical Mountain Gorilla encounter in Uganda

Mountain Gorillas are herbivorous animals that forage every day to get food that consists of leaves, stems, fruits and insects occasionally. Silverbacks can eat up to 70 pounds of vegetation a day and they eat up to 8hrs a day. Despite their powerful physique, Gorillas are social animals with intricate communication through gestures and vocalizations which makes them easy animals to associate with, and making the Gorilla trekking activity very unique. Mountain Gorillas are Identified by each having a unique print above each nose like the human finger print.

Mountain gorillas are exclusively observable in 4 beautiful spots within Uganda namely, Buhoma, Nkuringo and Rushaga under Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. These majestic creatures often dwell in family groups of approximately 8-14 members, led by a dominant male silverback who oversees all group activities and also protects its members, several adult females, and their offspring and occasionally, subordinate males.

Bwindi Tours



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