Elephants are very large mammals often found in savanna grasslands and forests, but may also be found in deserts, swamps and tropical highlands. In Uganda, elephants can be found in different national parks for example, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Bwindi impenetrable forest, Kidepo Valley National Park, and many more on an Organized Safari by TwentyEight Tours which you can book here https://twentyeighttours.com/talk-to-us/ . Elephants originate from the Animalia kingdom, Mammalia class, proboscidea order, and the elephantidae family.
There are two types of elephants namely, the African bush elephants also known as (loxondonta Africana) and the Asian elephants also known as (elephas maximus). African bush elephants are slightly bigger than the Asian elephants.

A trunk; This is usually around 6 -7 feet long and is used to pick food for example leaves from trees and bringing it to the mouth just as human hands may work. It is also used for drinking water, breathing since it is an extended nose fused with the upper lip, and in communication by trumpeting. The trunk can also be used for defense for example, it is very strong that it can uproot a tree or break branches off trees to protect itself.
Tusks; these are extended canine teeth of the elephant that can grow up to 8 feet long. They are very strong teeth used for crushing food. They are also a form of defense mechanism helping to protect the trunks which are one of the most essential parts of the elephant. The tusks are used for digging and foraging.
Large ear flaps; These grow long according to how far they live from the equator. These ears are used for communication, for example, in a way of greeting each other or bonding after a given period of time, elephants swiftly flap their ears. This can also be done as a warning in case of any threat, or to show that they are unhappy about something or to simply express their feelings
Pillar like legs; Imagine something that can support about 7 tons of weight. They are really so strong, long and straight about 1meter tall for a front leg. The feet are flat to support the heavy weight so well. Apart from supporting the massive weight and locomotion, elephant legs can also be used for hearing. For example, they can pick up noises made by other animals, or vehicles, from a distance of up to 20 miles away by sensing vibrations under the ground through their flat feet. The feet have a large pad of gristle under each of the heels and these act as shock absorbers. These also help elephants walk quietly.
Thick skin; Elephants have a very thick skin of about 2.5cm thick in numerous places. It is folded and so wrinkled to retain body water and regulate heat as well. It can retain water 10 times more than a human body does. Elephants have a tendency of bathing soil dust or mud in a way of protecting themselves from the effect of sun, but also make sure that their bodies are clean.
The little tail; This can grow to around 1.5 meters long and it helps to swat away flies. And keep them away from the back. It is also used for communication, just like other animals like dogs wiggle their tails when happy, an elephant too does it to show excitement or happiness. Baby elephants (Calves) follow their mothers’ tails while walking for direction.

Elephants have the sharpest brains and memory among all land animals, they never forget. Elephants actually remember all the events from their childhood, meaning if you do something good or bad to it, and escape, it will again remember you however long you stay in hiding, even if it changes the environment and you meet it in another continent, it will still remember and would deal with you accordingly.
Elephants can actually hear through their feet. This is by sensing vibration from the ground. This is because they have got flat feet with a large pad of gristle under each of the heels and these act as shock absorbers hence capturing vibration through the ground.
As humans are right handed or left handed, elephants too are either left tusked or right tusked. You can notice this by which side of tusk they use most. And actually, the side they use the most is stronger than the other, just as human hands.
Elephants can live up to 60-70 years. This is for African bush elephants. Asians can live up to 48 years of age. This is because elephants are typically herbivorous, that is, they only feed on plants and never eat meat. This gives them an advantage of living longer than other animals for example crocodiles and lions that feed on meat.
A male African bush elephant may weigh between 2-7 tons whereas a female can weigh around 3-4 tons. This is because they are naturally smaller than the males. On the other had Asian elephants weigh around 2-5 tons and their females weighing slightly less.